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Member Directory
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Becky Barnes
Becky Barnes Style
Sustainable personal stylist, personal shopper, wardrobe consultation and colour... Contact: Becky Barnes Telephone: 07854990061 Profile | Email | Website
Jemma Bartholomew
Jemma Business Associates Limited
Consultancy, Fundraising and Project Management for heritage projects in the local... Contact: Jemma Bartholomew Telephone: 07920785871 Profile | Email | Website
Zoe Beavis
Catalyst Design
My business, Catalyst Design, is in its 20th year this year. We produce creative... Contact: Zoe Beavis Telephone: 01275391251 Profile | Email | Website
Zane Bermaka
Atlantis Skincare
Atlantis Skincare for demanding women 35+with dry skin creates long lasting results... Contact: Zane Bermaka Telephone: 07809695602 Profile | Email | Website
Kristina Bessey
Midsomer HR
People expert | Saving you sleepless nights by solving your people issues | Loves... Contact: Kristina Bessey Telephone: 07970873350 Profile | Email | Website
Stephanie Betschart
Stephanie Betschart Hypnotherapy
I am a solution focused hypnotherapist.
I enable and facilitate emotional healing,... Contact: Stephanie Betschart Telephone: 01179089478 Profile | Email | Website
Nicky Bevan
The Emotional Resilience Coach
Helping you build your emotional resilience so you build the business, body, relationship... Contact: Nicky Bevan Telephone: Profile | Email | Website
Career Confidence & Work Wellbeing Specialist, Coach & Trainer
A career confidence and work wellbeing specialist, coach & trainer who works with... Contact: Kate Bishop Telephone: 07753397143 Profile | Email | Website
Alison Bowker
Soul Colour Alchemy
I support women to connect with the confidence to be more visible professionally,... Contact: Alison Bowker Telephone: 07989416959 Profile | Email | Website
Sue Brayne
Sue Brayne
I run workshops and retreats which focus on quantum consciousness and our relationship... Contact: Sue Brayne Telephone: 07729468289 Profile | Email | Website