Women Mean Biz
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Boost your business by eating right every day! - book online

Tue 10th Sep,2024

Sue Thomas


£Free for members / Non-members £49.00 + VAT

10am - 11.30am

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Your home or office

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Good food = great productivity.  How you can boost your business by eating right every day (and it is not complicated, time consuming or expensive!)
Are you grabbing food on the go because you are so busy, or sometimes not making the time to eat at all?  
In this workshop you will discover how making time to nourish yourself effectively can actually buy you back time and make you more productive in business.  It can also make you feel more confident in your clothes and sleep better every night so that you show up every day as a successful business owner!   
Let Sue Thomas, the sugar free coach, show you how.   
Find Sue Thomas on LinkedIn here.

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