It’s not often we talk about the plus side of the pandemic, but the one thing it did do for us is open up the world of online networking.
Before we all went into lock down, networking was very much about leaving your desk for a few hours and meeting up with each other over a coffee or meal. But thanks to the convenience of a ‘Zoom room’, networking is now even more accessible and time constraints less of a stumbling block.
The short answer is it's entirely down to personal choice. Some people love an excuse to down tools for a few hours and get a complete change of scenery, while others need to remain close to their desk.
If you are finding yourself wondering which form of networking would suit your needs best, here are some things to think about.
Covid hasn’t gone away and whilst we can all take personal responsibility for reducing the chances of further spread, if you are still feeling like in-person gatherings are too much of a risk then online networking is perfect for you. This is a completely personal matter and some people will be relishing getting back into a room and feeling the buzz of a physical get together, while others will still be cautious. There is no right or wrong way to feel and you must do what is best for you. However, if you do wish to get back to in-person networking but feeling nervous about doing so, please do reach out so we can tell you how we are keeping our members and visitors as safe as possible.
We all have the same 24 hours but everyone’s 24 hours will look different. For some, getting away from the laptop for a couple of hours will be a welcome relief while for others it may cause more stress –especially if you have other commitments during the day. Online networking is great if you can’t quite give up the time to travel to a meeting but you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to make new connections. The only down side is, you have to make your own lunch!
If the idea of walking into a room full of people you don’t know is a bit daunting, then online networking is a great way to learn what it is all about from the comfort of your own home or office. Being in familiar surroundings can make any new experience that little bit easier and if you aren’t feeling self conscious, you are more likely to relax and enjoy the experience. Once you have built up your confidence you can then book to attend and in-person meeting in the knowledge that you will know what to expect.
There really is nothing like physically being in a room with other business owners, there’s a certain energy that comes with getting together to support each other and celebrate wins and achievements. This is especially true when you consider those fellow business people friends as well as acquaintances (as many of our members do!)
However, online networking has enabled us to welcome so many more people to our community, some who would never have been able to join if the online option didn’t exist, due to their location. This can only be a good thing as the more people getting involved, the better the networking experience for everyone.
We are always happy to talk through any concerns or queries you may have about the two networking styles and will help you to decide which way will benefit you and your business the most, whether you are a networking newbie or a seasoned pro.
You can book in an informal catch up with me HERE if you want to chat further about what's best for you!
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