Robyn Harris

This has not been an easy post for me to write and in fact I've been skirting around it for a while, feeling that it is an important thing to share, but not quite getting round to doing so. Partly this has been because I've been struggling with the issue and the lessons it has had to teach me and I hadn't fully taken these on board. Also, to be honest, I've been wondering how it will look for me, a wellbeing therapist, to share this! It's actually still a work in progress, but I feel that I have taken some steps and a shift is happening, and writing this is part of that journey.
So what am I talking about? Well, as you might know, I am currently making the shift from my first career as a sign language interpreter, into creating a business around my passion for horses and for supporting their wellbeing, and the wellbeing of their owners / carers through nutrition, connection and energetic balance. In going through this process however, I have allowed myself to get out of balance, to the point where I became unwell. This has been a wake-up call for me. I realised that my body had been sending me messages for some time, telling me that I needed to slow down, but I had chosen to ignore these and instead listen to the conditioning of our society which says that you should push on through’: “work harder; be productive; failure is not an option; success requires struggle; work hard now and reap the rewards laterâ€
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