Women Mean Biz

Healing is for horses too

by Robyn Harris on 19th Jun 2016

Energy healing in its many forms has become a very popular way for people to enjoy deep relaxation and enhanced wellbeing.  If you have experienced this sense of peace for yourself, you might have wondered if your horse(s) could benefit from some healing too.  If this is the case, read on, because I'll be explaining a little bit more about how healing works and how it can benefit not only you but also your animal and the relationship that you share.

Each of us may have a slightly different understanding of the term 'wellbeing'.  To me, it is not simply the absence of disease.  I believe that wellbeing encompasses all layers of our being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  The details of how this looks and feels may differ for each individual, but for me, it is about being able to truly enjoy each day to the full, being comfortable with who you are and feeling confident and capable to deal with anything Life brings.

Our modern world has come to believe that disease is a 'mistake' of some kind, and that it is to be feared and avoided wherever possible.  In contrast, I believe that dis-ease has a purpose.  It comes from the body's response to something that isn't working and, if we explore the nature of the disease, it can lead us to identifying a trigger and thus deal with the issue and make any necessary changes in order to return to the natural state of balance.  In addition, this greater awareness can help us to maintain a good level of health and reduce or avoid dis-ease in the future.

The same is true for horses.  Given the correct conditions they can generally recover from an injury or slight illness by themselves, however they can benefit from a helping hand, particularly if they seem to be taking a long time to heal, or they are struggling to recover fully.  Exploring the issues that they experience, whether they be health, behaviour or stress related, can help us to identify any triggers in their current environment, and to make changes. 

The lifestyle of many domestic horses is often very different from that of their wild cousins.  This puts stress on the horse's system which in turn can compromise their ability to maintain wellbeing. 

Horses are prey animals who have evolved to survive by being able to quickly detect danger and then to run away from it, therefore being in a small enclosed stable is actually stressful for them.  They are herd animals who need the company and security of other horses around them.  Being alone is an unnatural and unpleasant experience for a horse.

Diet too, is very important in keeping a horse healthy, just as it is with us.  Unfortunately many of the commercial feeds, and even pasture grasses and hay, have a high sugar content and are full of chemicals (such as pesticides and mould inhibitors).  These all have an impact on the horse's metabolism and health.

Our cells have an inner 'blueprint' of how they are supposed to behave.  If the skin is torn or a bone gets broken, the body knows how to repair the damaged cells, returning the injured area to its original state. When the body is stressed , however, it goes into 'flight or fright' mode and is unable to give its energy to restoration and repair.   Instead it produces hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol preparing it for attack or escape, distracting it from maintaining the healthy blueprint.  Energy healing helps to redirect the body's energies back to recreating its state of wellbeing.

Animals can also support our own wellbeing.  Horses, particularly, often act as mirrors for us, helping to reveal stresses and discomforts in our lives.  They offer an unbiased, non-judgemental reflection of what is going on within us, helping us to address any issues.  This in turn enhances the connection and communication between us and our horse(s) and so the relationship deepens.  For this reason it can be very beneficial to share an energy healing session with your horse.  Not only will it help you both to feel relaxed and promote wellbeing, it will also enhance the bond of love and trust between you.

For further information or to contact me with any questions, please see my website: equenergy.com


Healing is a very good complementary therapy and is beneficial in any situation, however you should always seek veterinary advice if your animal is unwell in any way.


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