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My absolute passion is to inspire people to be their true self and what makes my coaching unique is the wisdom I've learnt from a lifetime connecting with horses. This, along with my multi-faceted training, has shaped a truly holistic apporach which emphasises the importance of body, emotion, mind and spirit beign in alignment.
I offer Emotional Wellbeing Coaching via Skype, phone and face to face and Equine Facilitated Learning through 121 sessions at my home near Clutton or group workshops near Monmouth.
My business evolved from my love of working with horses and with people. I began my working career by running the family business after which I retrained as a Riding Coach and built a Riding Centre and enjoyed training students and horses to achieve their potential. After training the Pentathletes for two years, I became very interested in psychology and coaching.
In 2003 I sold my business and retrained as Life Coach and in 2008 my own horse led me on a journey which took me to Arizona. I became qualified in the Eponaquest Approach of Equine Facilitated Learning with Linda Kohanov, bestselling author of The Tao of Equus and The Power of the Herd.
My clients are those who feel like something is missing. Despite being outwardly successful maybe one part of the jigsaw doesn't fit. They may feel stuck or lacking direction. Quite often the feeling is linked to a relationship - either with someone close, with themselves, or even a situation.
Emotional wellbeing coaching creates the space for them to live a happier, more peaceful and fulfiling life. By learning to be true to themselves through the four key elements of emotional wellbeing, they can develop healthier relationships, feel lighter in themselves and experience real joy at home and in business.
Equine Facilitated Learning adds the additional benefit of interacting with horses who respond to the true nature and authentic self of the client and not who they are pretending to be. Horses sense any inconsistence between their feelings and actions and help them move through emotional and mental blocks in a way which is not possible in many other forms of coaching and therapy.
It wasn't until the age of 48, during my Equine Facilitated Learning training, that I realised I was not being congruent and was often suppressing my true feelings. As I learned to be more authentic and true to myself I became happier and more fulfilled in my life. I now love to support others to do the same.
So the quote that I love the most and inspires my life is:
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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