Real networking
for women in business


Natalie Charteris

pro Member - Wiltshire

South West Business Finance (SWBF)

South West Business Finance (SWBF), is an Independent Finance Broker and Consultancy. We specialise in sourcing funding options for Businesses and Property Professionals.

A bit about me...

After working as a Senior Manager at HSBC for 10 years, followed by 4 years living in France, I joined the team at SWBF in 2017.

During my time at HSBC my passion was for leading and developing people and I undertook various roles as Area Director looking after Branch Managers in the South West, Senior Branch Manager in Swindon and Regional Resources Manager covering all aspects of recruitment, talent management and succession planning in the South West.
As well as my banking qualifications, I am also a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development which enables me to add value to the Team here.
In my current role I am responsible for Operations, covering Compliance, Marketing and Human Resources and ensure that the business runs smoothly, meeting and exceeding all its regulatory requirements.  I love that the role is varied, and no two days are the same!
Life outside work revolves around my two young sons and Rugby (Bath and Wales) and I enjoy eating out at nice restaurants whenever I get the chance!


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