Margie Chavasse

online Member

NRG Nutrition

I am a Kinesiologist and Nutritionist with a (rather bizarre) fascination for parasites. Iā€™m on a mission to help people realise that no problem is too small and there is an alternative out there that can help.

A bit about me...

I'm Margie Chavasse, a Kinesiologist and Nutritionist with a (rather bizarre) fascination for parasites.  

I see so many people whose quality of life is suffering because of health issues that they are ignoring either because they feel it’s not a big enough problem to bother people with or they’ve exhausted traditional paths to get the problem fixed.

And they feel they are at a dead end

Their worsening quality of life has them:

āŒ  unable to do things they used to do,

āŒ  losing their freedom and

āŒ  putting up with pain and problems. 

It impacts the way they communicate with their loved ones.

And small problems multiply and create large problems which can have a devastating effect.

It’s not be normal to have lots of small health issues, but it’s frequently taken to be so.

Yet health, retaining good health, is the most important thing in the world

That’s why I’m on a mission to help people realise that no problem is too small and there is an alternative out there that can help.  I am passionate about people living healthy lives, ones they can enjoy and participate in, for their whole lives.


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