Real networking
for women in business


Caroline Smith McLean

pro Member - South Glos

Caroline Smith McLean Hypnotherapy

I am a hypnotherapist and mindset coach helping people to create a life they love!

A bit about me...

As a busy Mum of two beautiful boys (one with additional needs) around 8 years ago my life came to a bit of a halt when I suffered from a breakdown, without going into too much detail I felt very unwell and experienced many of the symptoms of anxiety and depression but I found hypnotherapy and got myself back to a better place...then I started to recommend it to others, I noticed that most of the people also had positive results, I definitely had a firm belief in it.

I’ve always had some spiritual beliefs but after beginning to feel better I learned about manifestation and started using it in my life….things gradually got better and better, things started falling into my life in strange ways with funny ‘coincidences’ (There’s no such thing as coincidences! )

I thought back and suddenly realised I had always done this without even knowing - but I’d had mixed results because of not realising I was creating my reality!

Since then I have had what can only be described as a deeper spiritual awakening and now I LOVE helping others to change their lives using conscious manifestation.

Life is VERY different, even unrecognisable in many ways!

A bit more about me

What's the most enjoyable thing about your work?
Seeing people have a breakthrough especially with how they feel. One customer recently said to me "I came to you looking to Manifest more money in my business but actually what I have found is peace and happiness which is much more important, and then things are just happening naturally"

What is your vision for your business?
To be able to help more people to feel better and manifest the life of their dreams!

If you could give one single piece of advice to a new start up business, what would it be?
Work on yourself first, figure out what your current beliefs are about yourself, about your business, about your customers...some of these will be limiting beliefs holding you back.

Which business person or company do you admire most and why?
I admire anyone who's taken the steps to progress and step into business! I love Carrie Green who runs female entrepreneur academy.

Which one phrase or quote sums up your attitude to business life?
There is only one success in be able to live life on your own terms.

What made you join WMB and how do you plan to make the most of the network?
Getting myself out there and interacting with others, bouncing ideas etc.

What do you do at week-ends?
I love to walk and explore, especially near the coast. I love reading and sometimes cold water swimming, I sometimes take my boys exploring too.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what 2 luxury items would you take?
One of my favourite books and something to play music!

What book are you currently reading?
Neville Goddard - The complete Reader

What book(s) would you recommend?
Neville Goddard - The complete Reader David Hamilton - How your mind can heal your body

Who's your personal hero and why?
My Dad...He came to England from Ireland in the 60's when he wasn't always welcomed. He had a difficult childhood and dyslexia yet he never let it hold him back.

What is your worst experience in business or work?
I'm not really sure, back when I used to work in an Estate agency I was often not really respected but my self love wasn't what it is now.

What was your first ever job?
Serving breakfast in a hotel when I was 15!

Where is your favourite place in the world and why?
Ohhh the coast anywhere!


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