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Kerry Seymour

pro Member - North Somerset

Inspired to Change Weston-super-Mare

I'm a solution focused hypnotherapist specialiing in reducing stress and anxiety and building confidence and resilience.

A bit about me...

I work with people who are struggling with a mental or physical issue that means that life can feel like a daily battle.

I help them to understand how their brain works so that they can take back control from negative thoughts or behaviour patterns, enabling them to reduce stress and anxiety, boost their resilience and create long lasting positive changes in their lives.

As someone who has experienced the challenges of being a military wife, family bereavement and post-natal depression, I know the value that the solution focused model brings, creating a positive mindset that helps us to cope with and adapt to change and to be the best version of ourselves, whatever life has in store.

Solution focused hypnotherapy is effective at helping with:

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Low Confidence and Self Esteem
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Fears and Phobias
Sleep Problems
Chronic Pain
Quitting smoking

I also particularly enjoy supporting new and expectant parents to prioritise their mental wellbeing, helping to create a calm pregnancy and birth experience, and supporting people through into resilient parenting. To support people in these areas I also help with:

Fertility Issues
Perinatal mental health issues
Postnatal depression 
Parental overwhelm and burnout

I am passionate about helping my clients to minimise anxiety and overwhelm and boost confidence and self-esteem, for both themselves and for their families.


If you'd like to find out more, get in touch to book your free 1 hour consulations today. 


"Despite being a people person and a self-confessed extrovert, as we came out of the winter lockdown in 2021 I found myself getting noticeably more anxious when I was out and about with the kids, not with my husband and away from the house. Despite cracking on with my everyday life, it started to really interfere with my day-to-day enjoyment. And my confidence, as a very independent person, took a massive knock. I was concerned about the second hand impact that my anxiety would have on my young kids after realising that I grew up in a house with a Mum who was (and is) very anxious. I knew Kerry from networking and liked the very science and factual based approach that hypnotherapy has. I wasn’t interested in looking backwards at the root cause of the anxiety rather than dealing with the symptoms I was facing and having tangible tools to use to get on top of the way I was feeling. I found working with Kerry and the solution focused model very easy, very natural and encouraging. I’ve stopped my sessions now as the transformation has been huge in what I think is quite a short time. I noticed, after only 5 or 6 sessions, how my brain was reacting differently to situations and triggers. I’ve still got some work to do but it has freed me up to do more without the sidewards and underlying worry and anxiety that seemed to have no noticeable cause. If you’re thinking about hypnotherapy I’d say to contact Kerry for her free initial session where she will walk you through how the brain works and you’ll understand how science based hypnotherapy is and how undeniably it’ll help you to rewire your brain. "

Recommended by Sarah, North Somerset

"My situation before I started working with Kerry was that I was waiting for a hip replacement that’s was delayed due to Covid. I was in chronic pain, taking daily medication that I’d been driven to out of desperation. I felt guilty and a burden to my husband and children even though they were understanding. I really wasn’t sure what to expect but Kerry was kind and positive, from our first free consultation I knew I was going to find it fascinating and would benefit from talking to Kerry. I really have benefited from Kerry’s sessions. I love learning how the brain works and the way Kerry explained it, especially with her added drawings. The daily journal I kept of positive things was really good for me, however small. The audio I was emailed was definitely beneficial, I still listen to it. I was able to recall it during my recent surgery, also breathing the techniques I learnt. I would definitely recommend working with Kerry and giving hypnotherapy a try. Especially as the first consultation is free. "

Recommended by Juliet, North Somerset

"Before hypnotherapy I felt lost. I was unable to find happiness in my everyday life and struggled to cope when certain triggers left me feeling down. Seeing the positive became an issue for me and I lost the ability to see that the future was going to change. A friend suggest hypnotherapy as a step towards talking about my problems and finding inner peace. Kerry has helped me develop positive actions and thoughts on my own. I’m now able to pick myself up on the down days by using the tools she’s given me to turn negative thoughts into positive ones and to take positive action, knowing that will change my mindset and my day. She’s given me coping mechanisms to know when I am going down a path that will lead to anxiety or sadness, to recognise it and change course. Listening to the audio in my own time reminds me that it is my thoughts that change my perspective and when listened to I feel ready to take on the day. If you’re thinking of getting in touch with Kerry I’d say do it! It can be used for all sorts of things and I find that you leave the session armed with ways to have positive thoughts, actions and interactions. The sessions are led by Kerry so you never know what road they are going to go down but you end up shifting your mindset and creating news ways to transform your thinking. "

Recommended by Adi, Bristol


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