Sue Thomas

pro Member - Cheltenham

Sue Thomas The Sugar Free Coach

Empowering women to break the cycle of sugar consumption so that they can look and feel amazing in everything they wear AND live a full and vibrant life.

A bit about me...

I am passionate about helpng women to understand they can take back control of their health, be more productive and achieve greater success by reducing their sugar consumption.

21st Century life plays havoc with female health.  From toxins in our skin care, to lack of nutrients daily, and stress leading to IBS.  All of these put pressure on the intestine leading to poor sleep and fatigue, weight gain, poor immunity, lack of productivity, hormone imalance and compromised mental wellbeing.  And in sugar and every day feels like an effort but for no apparent reason.

As the Sugar Free Coach I help help women to understand how to achieve greater energy levels, confidence, productivity and love of life by reducing sugar.  This leads to better sleep, greater mental clarity and wellbeing and hence more success in business.


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