Real networking
for women in business

Women Mean Biz
We invite you to come as a guest first of all, to see if you want to join our networking group. This way you get to meet our members and experience first hand our style and format.

Power Group - Creative, Media & Marketing - book online

Tue 18th Nov,2025

Ros Conkie (Group Leader)

07970 946616

£Members Only

10.30am until 12pm

Click Here to Book Placeholder


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If you work in a marketing or creative role you’re very welcome to join our vibrant and supportive Creative and Marketing Power Group.

We meet on Zoom a few times a year, where we collaborate, share ideas and help each other in our business.


What’s the purpose of the meeting?

With such a broad and experienced group of creative professionals in Women Mean Biz, the power group is a great opportunity to connect and network with members from across the WMB community.

Our members have found support, solved challenges, partnered with other businesses, passed on work and exchanged lots of creative ideas. 

Is there a format?

Our meetings are relaxed, but we tend to cover the following:

Introductions – everyone does a brief introduction and shares what’s been happening in the last few weeks 

New members have around 5 minutes to introduce themselves and their business, and explain how the group might be able to support them

We discuss recent collaborations, interesting projects and ways we can help or refer each other

We help members solve any particular challenges in their business

We discuss one or two ‘hot topics’ each meeting, which we either agree in advance or at the start of the meeting. This has recently included how to price a project, how to write a 90-day plan and how to make the most of Instagram Stories. 

All dates are posted on the website.

Please book to attend the meeting on this page, and contact Ros Conkie if you have any questions.


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