Yasmin McGlashan

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to just breeze through their to-do list, ticking off tasks without missing a beat? And somehow your list seems to take hours to grind through?
You’re not alone, in fact I’d bet that even those who seem highly organised and efficient probably feel just like you every now and then. The difference is they’ve got a strategy to make sure that even when they’re not feeling at their most productive, they’re still ticking boxes with terrifying efficiency.
Join me as we deep dive into some of the tips and tricks that other business owners use and I share my own thoughts on how you can utilise them to give maximum impact in your business.
Focus on high impact tasks
Firstly - look at your list and figure out what will make the biggest impact. Just because something feels urgent, it doesn’t actually mean it’ll provide your business with any value. There’s a big difference between being busy and being productive, and it’s easy to allow ‘busywork’ tasks to eat up your time when you should be focusing on productive tasks.
Whether your high impact tasks fall into the ‘quick win’ category or ‘major project’, they’re the tasks that you need to be putting the majority of your time and energy into. Assign them to a time when you know you’ll be able to focus uninterrupted, and you’ll be working at your best. If you need 3 hours and enough caffeine to jumpstart a cart-horse to feel like you can focus, it’s probably not a great idea to put those tasks as something to tackle at 6am.
Busy work can wait. We’ve all got those tasks that take up our time, but don’t really move business forward. Reorganising files, getting lost in scrolling under the guise of ‘checking my LinkedIn’, or attending meetings that don’t really need your input can all be examples of this.
Have a purge. Look at that list and ask yourself what will REALLY move your business forward - and then action it!
Delegate like a pro
The truth is, most successful business owners probably aren’t dealing with their entire to-do lists themselves. True leadership comes from knowing where your skill set lies, and taking steps to handle any shortfall. We can’t all be great at everything, so embrace your own imperfections and outsource!
We often find that clients who are in creative industries might struggle with admin style tasks - staying on top of their inbox, data management, or even things like newsletters - but they’ll nail tasks like their social media because it feeds into where their talents lie. Similarly, (some, not all!) clients in fields such as finance tend to find their admin easier to handle than the more creative tasks.
The key is to identify where your weaknesses lie, and then come up with a strategy to accommodate that. It could be that you need to identify time on a weekly or monthly basis where you can sit down and focus on the tasks you find trickier, or it might be time to outsource to a virtual assistant (like me!) who can handle the tasks you find tricky with ease.
Decision making
How often have you procrastinated over making a decision? We’ve all done it - spending time overthinking, trying to foresee every possible outcome, only to miss an opportunity because we took too long. Even if you don’t miss an opportunity, it can still cause a bottleneck for any other decisions to be made.
Efficient, self-assured entrepreneurs make swift, informed decisions. The whole process of making a decision can be exhausting, so why give it more energy than you need to? Gather the facts you need, use them to make the decision, and move on. It’s easy to think that the longer you spend on a decision, the better the outcome will be - but that’s rarely the case. It might be that you need to spend some time gathering specific information to help you come to a decision, but once you’ve got the facts, make a decision and move on!
Time blocking
Have you tried time blocking? It’s a handy tool to use if you struggle with focusing on one task for long periods of time. It can also be handy if you feel like you just never get anything done because you’re always being interrupted by notifications, your phone, or emails.
Time blocking works by dividing your day into sections to give a more regimented structure. If you know that you’ll deal with emails twice a day, there’s less pressure for you to drop everything each time you see a new message pop up. It also allows you to get into that most productive of states, ‘flow state’ where you can dedicate your entire focus to a single task without distraction.
There are multiple ways that you can use time blocking. You might prefer to block according to your energy - if you’re an early bird then dedicate time to demanding tasks early in the morning, whereas night owls can ease themselves into the day with more gentle tasks and ramp up the focus as the day progresses. You might like the Pomodoro technique where you work without distraction for 25 minutes, take a short break, repeat 4 times and then take a longer break. You could even take a more general approach to time blocking, and dedicate the mornings to admin, afternoons to marketing, and evenings to learning.
Whatever time blocking technique you decide to use, it’s important that you choose one that works for you, the way you work best, and your needs.
Utilise tech
There’s some wonderful tech solutions available to make life a little easier - so why not embrace some of them? We’re not saying you need to sign up to every service, app, or programme you see, but cherry picking a few that’ll make life easier for you could be a fabulous idea.
If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by the back and forth of trying to find a convenient slot in the diary for a meeting - sign up to Calendly. If you find yourself losing paper to-do lists, consider Asana or To-doist. If you struggle with ideas for content - utilising ChatGPT could be a great place to start.
We’ve helped our clients set up numerous new systems to make their life easier, so even the set up doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start by having a look at what tasks you find time consuming, or what you tend to procrastinate over. Then - find a solution! It might take a little bit of time to get to grips with your new system, but I’m confident that long term it’ll be more than worth it!
There you have it - some handy hints from successful entrepreneurs. Not every business owner will use all of these strategies, but I’m willing to bet they probably use most of them. Have you spotted anything you could utilise in your business - I’d love to know if there are any tricks you’ll be trying!
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