A month ago we had Mental Health Awareness week in the UK. May was also Mental Health Awareness month in the US. Why are we only promoting the awareness of Mental Health for one week or one month of the year? We should be raising awareness every week and every month of the year as Mental Health is extremely common…….it is estimated that 1 in 4 of us will experience one mental health problem in any one year.
1 in 4, that’s a quarter of your workforce. Think about the number of people you have in your workplace and then work out what a quarter is. Were you aware that there are that many people that you work with who have mental health issues, either now or have in the past. A lot of people!!
Were you also aware that depression is the leading cause of disability in the world? What is depression? What is the cause of depression? What are the symptoms? How do we recognize depression? What is the impact of the person at work due to depression?
There is so much to consider in just one small area of mental health – depression. And there are so many more issues around mental health.
Are you equipped to help your staff if they have a mental health problem? We need to recognize the risk to the welfare of our people to sustain Mental Health.
Email me or call me on 07960 559 593 or clare@novaassociates.co.uk to talk to me about how to take proactive steps to improve awareness, develop skills and create better working conditions for the people you work with who may have mental ill-health.
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