Women Mean Biz

How to claim compensation for a cycling accident

by Samantha Castle on 28th Jul 2020

According to a recent href="https://www.cyclist.co.uk/news/8285/cycling-has-increased-by-200-since-lockdown-government-reports">article by Cyclist magazine, cycling has increased by 200% since lockdown commenced. For some, it’s the only way of getting to and from their jobs as key workers. And for others, getting out on the bike is the perfect way to pass that extra free time.

As well as individuals dusting off their road bikes, href="https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/about/article/20200527-about-bc-news-Update--Suspension-of-sanctioned-cycling-activity-0">British Cycling have also shared their hopes and plans to get group cycling back on track in July. So our roads are about to get just that little bit busier.

However, with such an increase in people taking to their bikes and the government encouraging people to cycle to work once they are able to, accidents are inevitable and with that, personal injury claims.

Despite the roads being quieter during this time, drivers are using clear roads to speed. Coupled with more people out on bicycles, this can be a lethal combination.

If you’ve been involved in a cycling accident that wasn’t your fault, you can be left feeling frustrated as well as worried about coping with your injuries. Claiming compensation is often the only way to deal with the negative effect of your injuries on your life.

How can I claim for a cycling accident?

Cycling accident claims can be complex, and are often hotly contested by the defendant. It’s therefore vital to have specialist advice from a href="https://barcankirby.co.uk/legal-services/for-you-and-your-family/personal-injury-claims/cycling-accidents/" target="_blank">personal injury solicitor to ensure you’re supported and given the best chance of a fair outcome.

If you were hit by a motor vehicle, you may be able to claim compensation, even if the driver was uninsured or left the scene without leaving details.

Our personal injury lawyers can advise you on whether you are likely to be eligible for a Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) claim and guide you through the entire claims process.

How much can I claim for a bike accident?

Whether you can claim or not depends on factors that will affect your claim’s likely value. These include how bad your injuries were and the impact they will have on your life, costs you’ve incurred due to your injuries and those you’re likely to incur in the future, i.e. loss of income.

Further information

For the vast majority of those enjoying taking to their bikes, whether seasoned cyclists or having taken it up as a new hobby, as long as you’re protected and other road users comply with the Highway Code, you won’t have to think about making an accident claim.

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to be the victim of a cycling accident that wasn’t your fault and you’ve sustained serious injury, you may wish to start a cycling accident claim so contact me.


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