Rebecca O'Reilly

online Member

Rebecca O'Reilly Health

I help people transform their health by teaching them how to cleanse and detoxify from viruses and toxins that are at the root of many the conditions we see today.

A bit about me...

I empower people to overcome chronic and mystery symptoms, teachhing them how to transform thier health through cleansing and detoxification, as well as deep nourishing of the body. Learning how to use food as medicine is what it's all about. 

In todays world we are up against it like never before, with greater exposure to toxins such as heavy metals, radiation, herbicides and pesticides, as well as more aggressive strains of viruses and bacteria, which have resulted in lowered immune function and an explosion of deteriorating health and chronic condtions. 

But there are solutions to the health crisis we face and it all begins with paying more attention to what we eat. When we understand how to use food as medicine in daily life, we can begin to cleanse and nourish the body back to health. This practice of cleansing and nourishing is one of the most powerful ways to overcome sickness and create vibrant health. 

With over 15 years experience of working with food, nutrition and natural medicine, I have a deep understanding and personal experience of what causes the body to become ill and the ways in which we can bring it back to health. 

I am passionate about inspiring and teaching others as to how they can reconnect with the immense wisdom and healing power of food. 


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