Lydia Gribbin

online Member

SHE - part of Catalyst Foundation

She is secure, She has hope, She is empowered. SHE exists to remove the barriers that stand between many girls and an education in Zimbabwe today.

A bit about me...

Hello there,

I've been a fundraiser for just over 6 years, generating income and building relationships on behalf of international development charities large and small.  

I'm based in beautiful Bristol and come from a background in performing arts. I've also set up my own projects and community groups over the years. When I'm not working I still enjoy writing and playing gigs.

I'm delighted to be leading fundraising and partnerships for an organisation that works with young girls in Africa, removing obstacles that prevent too many from choosing their own path. This is a cause I feel so incredibly passionate about and it's a privilege to be a part of the amazing team.

If you feel that, you, your organisation, or a part of your network, would like to support this work then I would be delighted to hear from you!


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