Sarah McGurk

online Member

Sarah McGurk Wealth Management

Passionate about helping clients achieve business, financial and lifestyle objectives. I liaise closely with existing professional advisers, Solicitors and Accountants, ensuring clients make the most of their business assets.

A bit about me...

I was brought up in Gloucester, one of nine children to strong, hard working parents.  Having helped to build a successful family business in the Haulage and Construction industry for almost 20 years and bringing up three wonderful daughters, the marriage sadly ended some years ago.  Having always been a working girl, I immediately embarked on a career in the Haulage industry until I was invited to join SJP., advising Business Owners and Individuals on their pensions, investments, savings and protection.

I love what I do and feel I can make a difference.

Any spare time is spent with my family, my girls and grandchild, creating special memories for the future.

I am also actively involved with a local charity, The Pied Piper Appeal, raising much needed funds for the Children's ward at Gloucester Royal Hospital.


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