Sally Knudsen

online-pro Member

Travel Counsellor

Home based Travel Professional.

A bit about me...

I am a Travel Counsellor and I assist, advise and create bespoke holidays and travel for leisure and corporate clients. I am passionate about all aspects of travel and great service.

I provide an insight in to what is possible in the world of holidays with access to the whole of the travel market from pre-packaged holidays to entirely bespoke itineraries. If you can imagine or dream it, I will organise the detail and  ensure that every aspect of your holiday runs smoothly.

A bit more about me

What's the most enjoyable thing about your work?
Working from home with my dog at my feet and creating peoples dream trips to their chosen destinations.

What is your vision for your business?
To grow my income year on year but also to gain a reputation for being helpful, creative and going the extra mile for my customers.

If you could give one single piece of advice to a new start up business, what would it be?
Reflect on all your decisions ,successes and failures and be prepared to change when needed.

Which business person or company do you admire most and why?
Richard Branson for his guts, determination , humility and sheer hard work.

Which one phrase or quote sums up your attitude to business life?
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra!

What do you do at week-ends?
Mainly taxi my children to their various sporting activities but also enjoy a good class of wine!

If you were stranded on a desert island, what 2 luxury items would you take?
White company shower gel (!) and my iPhone.

What was your first ever job?
Pool lifeguard

Where is your favourite place in the world and why?
The Maldives......the colours , the peace and the pure white sand.


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