Tanya Maidment

online Member


With an aim to bring together products and ideas to improve our health, our environment and our planet, GreenLifeOrganics Ltd hosts a number of local events, online educational programmes and networking opportunities.

A bit about me...

Tanya Maidment MSc. is a mother of two who has been using essential oils to support her own family’s health over the past 5 years. She is a wellness coach, essential oil educator and owner
 of GreenLifeOrganics.

Tanya lives to educate, empower and inspire others to live a life of purpose and joy. Six years ago she gave up a career in environmental science to begin a personal journey to create a happy, healthy and sustainable life for herself and her family.
Her decision to create a home-based sustainable business has given her family the freedom to travel, pursue their many interests, spend quality time together and lead the life that they truly love. Tanya and her family now reside in Bradford on Avon.?

GreenLifeOrganics Ltd. hosts numerous events throughout the year from raw chocolate making workshops, wellness retreats, masterclasses in essential oils, detox programs, make and take perfume workshops, personal development programs and much more. We also offer free essential oil workshops and wellness consults.

Tanya has also set up the Bath and Bradford on Avon Happy and Health Meet Up groups that meet monthly and provide networking opportunities plus a range of activities such as workshops with guest speakers, adventures, picnics and social events.

More information on the meet-ups groups can be found here;







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