Women Mean Biz

What do we want? Business Efficiency!

by Yasmin McGlashan on 1st Mar 2023

There’s little worse than feeling like you’re always on the back foot. You never quite know which login you need for that system, or where you put that business card you grabbed from that person who sounded perfect but you just can’t quite remember their name. 

Staying organised when you’re in a growth period of your business is tough - often you’re doing it all solo and the extra effort involved with setting up a filing system or new email server is just more than you can handle. It’s especially difficult when it’s really not your thing - some people love setting up new systems, learning about them and implementing them, and most other people hate it. 

I am one of those strange people who absolutely love it. My team and I come across so many different systems with our clients that we have to get to grips with (and get to grips with quickly) that it’s second nature to me now. We regularly have clients come to us who have signed up for a new email newsletter system but don’t have the time to work out how to use it, or who need us to migrate one system to another, but that’s always involved the client doing the actual legwork of working out what system they need in the first place and tasks they need it to do. So often we’ll be talking to them, they’ll ask us to do something and it’ll turn out that this new system doesn’t do the one thing they really needed from it, or it will but it doesn’t do it the way they wanted. The frustration of both hours of research and money being wasted as a result is a very real feeling for both us and the client.

So I’ve decided to put a stop to that, and launch my brand new package - the Business Efficiency Consultation. This gives the client 3 hours with me, uninterrupted, via Zoom or face to face. Together we can go through everything they already have in place, as well as what they need and want from their systems. We can identify all those niggles where the system doesn’t quite hit the spot, and find ways or new systems to fix that. 

We go through everything with a fine tooth comb, making sure I’m absolutely sure of what they need. It might be that you’ve got no idea how to utilise your cloud storage effectively, you hate your newsletter system or you need a to-do list solution that doesn’t involve a bulk order of sticky notes from Amazon every 3 days. 


Once we’ve done this, I’ll write up a personalised report detailing everything we’ve talked about along with my recommendations for what the next steps are. This will delve into everything we’ve discussed during the consultation, what the client needs and what they find tricky with their current processes. I’ll do all the tricky research of finding the right system to tick the boxes and tell you exactly why that’s what I recommend - there’s no point in me telling you it’s great if you don’t know why it’s great!  


And if, like most business owners, they just can’t find time to implement my recommendations then my team and I can do it for them; getting them set up on those systems, migrating data or contacts, setting up templates to make life straightforward and getting everything ready so that they log off one system and can hit the ground running with another. It’s all in one place, ready to go with no fuss or stress. 


So there we have it - the ultimate answer for the overwhelmed busy business person who just needs a bit of help with it all. 

For more information, book a call with me: href="https://calendly.com/yasmin-mcglashan/call" style="text-decoration-line: none;">https://calendly.com/yasmin-mcglashan/call


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