Connect with me

I coach female leaders and women in business over 35 to create success on their own terms without sacrificing their health or relationships through intuitive business strategy, energetic mastery and integrative women's health.
My clients move from anxiety, overwhelm and exhaustion to growing their business in a way that feels fun, aligned and sustainable whether they're just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey, building to £5 to £20Kmonths or already earning 6-figures or more.
I work with women 1:1 intensively over a period of months rather than weeks so they can create and sustain long-lasting transformation and achieve holistic success in all areas of their business and life.
To start a conversation and see if we're a good fit to work together, email
Client success stories:
After a year of struggling to hit her next level of success without continuing to sacrifice her health and relationships, Laura secured a £1million investment in her business and dropped a whole day from her schedule after TWO MONTHS of us working together.
Niamh went from working constantly - anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted, and struggling with her health - to free evenings and weekends AND her company celebrated its highest ever quarters with a 20% increase on profits month on month and £180K of additional revenue.
Abbie went from anxious, overwhelmed, and exhausted while working a job she hated and an overall lack of connection in her marriage and family - to starting a business she loves, stepping into a leadership role within her family business, strengthening her marriage, and learning how to parent her children in a way that is empowering for the whole family in six months of working together.
After years of struggling with overwhelm, exhaustion with health issues, Jenny got clarity and felt energised and empowered, realigning her business with a new creative path, bringing in higher paying clients and stepping into a leadership role in a local non-profit within five months of working together.
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